Optimizing Multi- and Many-Objective Problems on Varied Budgets
hybridizing NSGA-III with Local Searches
Many-Objective Problems, NSGA-III, Local SearchResumo
This study addresses the challenges faced by Multi- and Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms in converging to the optimal Pareto Front under limited budgets. It proposes integrating these algorithms with deterministic single-objective local search techniques tailored for scalarized multi-objective optimization problems to accelerate convergence. Two integrations of NSGA-III with local search techniques based on SQP and BFGS algorithms are proposed and evaluated through numerical experiments on DTLZ1-4 problems across various budget scenarios. Performance profiles constructed using IGD+ and epsilon-indicator performance indicators demonstrate that the hybrid algorithms outperform NSGA-III. Statistical analysis confirms the superiority of the hybrid approaches, making them more efficient and reliable for the addressed problems.
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