Time-Discretization Schemes in Solving a Heat Diffusion Model

FVM Implementation


  • Cristhian D. Sotomayor Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University (UPTP)
  • Lucas S. González Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University (UPTP)
  • Paulo C. C. Galeano Taiwan-Paraguay Polytechnic University (UPTP)
  • Lincy Varghese National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

Palabras clave:

Time-discretization, Heat diffusion model, Finite volume method, Numerical methods, Differential equations


This work proposes to analyze time-discretization schemes to solve a heat diffusion model. The latter is represented by a two-dimensional unsteady-state heat diffusion equation. The differential equation is solved using the finite volume method (FVM). The explicit method, Crank-Nicholson method, and fully implicit method are considered. The work concludes that the explicit and Crank-Nicholson methods have a maximum size for the time step, while the fully implicit method does not have this limitation but is first-order accurate. This work is an initial step in investigating higher-order schemes for more accurate solutions in complex problems.


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