Bayesian shape-constrained curve-fitting with Gaussian processes

prior elicitation and computation


  • Eduardo Adame Getulio Vargas Foundation
  • Luiz Max Carvalho Getulio Vargas Foundation


Bayesian shape-constrained curve-fitting, Gaussian processes, prior elicitation, computation


In many applications, one is interested in reconstructing a function \( f \) when only few (potentially very noisy) evaluations \( f(x) \) are available, usually due to budget restrictions. When information about the “shape” of \( f \) is available, e.g., whether it is monotonic, convex/concave, etc., it is desirable to include this information into the curve-fitting procedure. Here we build on the Gaussian process literature to propose a comprehensive framework for flexibly modeling \( f \) and its first two derivatives given evaluations of \( f \), \( f' \), \( f'' \) at potentially irregular grids. We show how to include shape-constraints in a principled way through the prior and apply the developed methods to function emulation for noisy Markov chain Monte Carlo.


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